Home What To Look For When Hiring A Digital Marketing Company

What To Look For When Hiring A Digital Marketing Company

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Hiring a professional digital marketing company can mean the difference in a lot of sales. In fact, some digital marketing companies will be great to work with. They will understand your business and have the best intentions for helping you increase your sales as much as possible. There are some digital marketing companies that say one thing and do another. They don’t follow through on their promises. Since you are a business that is looking for an Idaho falls digital markiting Keep reading to find out exactly what to look for when hiring a digital marketing company. This can mean the difference between more sales and your marketing efforts actually negatively affected.

When you first look at nice, there is no right or wrong answer. A digital marketing agency can range anywhere from 2 people to 500 people. One of the questions is how much communication you want with the person actually doing the marketing. If you are someone who doesn’t care, you just want it taken care of, a larger agency might be a great option for you. If you are someone that wants to speak directly with the person that will be posting on your social media or making your website changes, you may want to pick a smaller agency.

A larger agency does not always mean it is better and more successful. Some smaller agencies like being able to all be in contact with one another or simply like being able to meet in person. This will limit the number of employees or contractors that the agency can have. With that said, if you want to be able to meet with the company in person or in their office, this is something to keep in mind. Most agencies work with companies all over the country (and even the world) so it’s important to know exactly what you are looking for. If the company is out of town, ask how they plan on communicating with you. Do you video chat once per month? Are you apart of an online chat? These are all things to keep in mind.

How much experience the digital marketing agency has should be very important to you. Although education is great, most business owners know that experience is key. It is okay if the agency has interns, but ensure that they are being mentored or their work is being checked by someone that does have more experience. If your business has a specific niche, ask the agency if they have ever worked with a company in that industry before. If they have, ask for their website. Once again, it should not be a deal breaker if they have never worked in that industry. You can ask how they plan on becoming experts and writing great content. Finding out their strategy for your business and your niche is very important.

Some agencies offer a specific skill set. If you are looking for a specific marketing task, example only social media, try and look for a digital marketing agency that specializes in that exact strategy. If you are looking for an entire marketing strategy, example social media, SEO, PPC, etc, then make sure you find an agency that offers all of those services. You can always work with more than one agency, but that may be confusing long-term and so that the marketing tasks and the strategy run together.

Pricing is always something to keep in mind. Of course, you are on a budget and that budget needs to be stuck to. With that said, saving money can end up costing you more money down the road. If you select a very inexpensive digital marketing agency they may not have a lot of experience and may not be able to take your business to the next level as you are looking for. Also, a very expensive agency may not actually be the best agency either. Some have high overhead costs that increase their prices which are not actually benefiting you and your business. Although you want to keep the price in mind, it should not be the deciding factor.

Receiving regular reporting is important when it comes to how your marketing is going. One of the important things to remember when it comes to marketing is that it does not happen overnight. With that said, your monthly reports should show that you are moving in the right direction, especially after a few months. Make sure that you know how your metrics are being tracked. A lot of agencies send their clients end of the month reports which helps them know where they are at and what the agency is working on for the upcoming month.

It’s important to be open with the potential digital marketing agency. Clearly tell the agency your needs and expectations. If the agency sounds too good to be true, guess what, it probably is! When an agency says things like, we will get you to the top of Google in 1 month. Run the other way, we repeat, RUN! Marketing efforts take time and it’s important to be patient but also find out how they plan on making your goals a reality.

The last way thing to do when hiring a digital marketing company is to find out if they require contracts or if they want it to be a long-term relationship. This is also important to know what you are looking for. Some agencies require a minimum of 6 months. If you are looking for a few tasks, it’s a better idea to simply hire a contractor or an agency that prefers short-term clients. The same is true the other way, if you are looking for a long-term working relationship that hopefully works as long as your business is up and running, make sure that the agency plans on sticking around and being successful.

We hope that these tips help you in looking for a digital marketing agency. It’s an important decision to make sure that you do your homework and research. This can make a huge difference in the success of your business. For more information on digital marketing companies, contact us today!

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